Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope review

Fitness trends come and go. By 2023, it’s time for us to go back to basics. Jumping rope is the way to go – I’m a case in point. I started jumping rope fitness from scratch during the May 2020 lockdown. As it turns out, I’m not the only one. People all over the world are getting back into jumping rope to improve cardiovascular health and lose weight. It’s one of the most effective workouts for overall health. Plus, it can be done almost anywhere. It’s no surprise that jumping rope is getting smarter.

I’m reviewing the Game-Mn Smart Jump Rope. It has a pair of smart jump rope grips that connect to your smartphone to record and track jump rope data. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to this review.

Specifications:Game-mn Smart Jump Rope
Bluetooth connectivity, compatible with iOS, Android and Apple Watch
Rechargeable lithium battery, lasts up to 30 days on a single charge
Track workout data with the Paiactive app
Displays calorie burn and jump rope count on screen
Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope
Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope Design
The Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope utilizes a durable rope that does not break easily. It is made of pvc-covered 7-strand steel wire. The rope measures 9 feet 10 inches in length and is suitable for most heights. The rope is attached to the handle by a loop system which makes it easy to adjust to any size. To determine the proper rope size, I placed one foot in the middle of the rope and held the handle up to my chest. For most people, the top of the handle should be around the armpit. I adjusted the length of the rope accordingly to get the perfect length.

The handles are long and narrow for easy grip. One of the handles has a screen display and a micro usb charging port at the bottom. Here you can see the number of jumps and calories burned with a quick glance. This data is also sent to the Paiactive app via Bluetooth. More on that later.

Getting the Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope setup was quick and easy. After downloading the app, I followed the pairing instructions for my first workout.

Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope Test
Using the Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope
I usually use a lightweight nylon speed rope. The first thing I noticed about the Yu-mn rope is that it has a very lightweight handle. I’ve seen other smart jump ropes and they are heavy. I didn’t expect the handle to be so light. In theory, I should be able to do some trick moves like crossovers and side swings.

I filmed myself using the rope for the first time. Surprisingly, it felt very comfortable and I could do all the standard moves. To be honest, I was shocked. It usually takes a while to get used to a new rope. I was in ninja mode within seconds. It’s also been a while since I’ve used a pvc wrapped wire rope. I wasn’t expecting much rope control, but I didn’t have any problems. In fact, it was easy to do advanced moves like continuous alternating hands cross swings. I’m glad I filmed this initial test, it looks like I’ve been using it for a long time.

The smart features inside the Paiactive app
Instead of a dedicated app, Yu-mn Smart Rope appears to use the Paiactive app. Here, the user has three jumping modes:Free Mode, Time Down, and Count Down.Free Mode lets you jump and track your jumps, the length of the workout, and the burn (kcal).Time Down sets a timer, and Count Down sets the number of jumps to count down.

I use Free Mode to track the jumps. If you jump up and look at your phone screen, you’ll notice a slight delay in the jump counter. This is a feature expected of a wireless Bluetooth device. Every now and then the coach will say, “Keep going, you’re close to your goal!”

I don’t understand what the consumption (kcal) data means. I think it’s supposed to be an estimate of calories burned. The app tracks workout data for days, weeks, months, and even years. It’s a quick and easy way to visualize your workout data and track your progress.

Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope Front
Suggested Improvements to Yu-mn Smart Jump Rope
The Fish-mn has an excellent overall design. The handles are lightweight and comfortable and come with a durable rope that will last a long time. However, I accidentally pressed a button on one of the handles during a jump. Maybe it would make more sense to move the buttons to the center. That way you won’t press them by mistake.

Regarding smart features, The Game needs to develop its own app from scratch. This Paiactive app seems very limited. I would like to see more features and modes. For example, the app should show the number of trips taken. A big challenge is to see how many times you can jump in a row before a trip. These personal records should be displayed in the app. I would like to try to break my personal record and then share that data with my jump rope community.