The best smart home gadgets for back to school

We live in the age of the smart home. As kids prepare to start the new school year, smart home products are part of the back-to-school conversation. These gadgets increase the comfort, organization and efficiency of students studying at home. A lot has changed since I started school. Let’s take a look at some of the best smart home gadgets for back to school.

smart speaker
Smart Speakers and Displays
At the heart of a smart home are smart speakers and displays. What students may not realize is that they make a great study partner. Voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri can help students manage schedules, create reminders, and access information on the fly. For example, when I have to get up early, I always use the bedside smart display to set multiple alarms. This is a great backup to using your phone’s alarm clock so you don’t miss an early morning exam.

Although I don’t study anymore, I still spend a lot of time writing at my desk. A good tip for students is to use a smart speaker to set study timers. This is what I do when I write. Once I’m sitting at my desk, I use my voice assistant to set a timer for 45 minutes. Then I work non-stop until the timer goes off. Once it starts, I set another timer and take a 15 minute break. This is a great way to work deeply without distractions.

Smart Plugs to Control Devices
Smart plugs might not be the first thing on your mind when you go back to school. However, they praised smart speakers and displays for making students’ lives easier. For example, if you live in a dorm, connect the smart plug to the heater. Then turn on the heat remotely when you leave the classroom. Your dorm will be comfortable and suitable for staying up late studying.

If you’re a coffee-loving student, use my smart plug trick. Connect the coffee machine to the smart plug. Then use your bedside voice assistant to turn on the coffee maker while you’re in bed. When you walk into the kitchen, a cup of hot coffee is waiting for you.

smart lighting
Smart Lighting for Epic Learning Sessions
Many students like to study late into the night. With smart lights, students can create the perfect study atmosphere. Students can adjust the color temperature to set the right mood. Personally, I recommend using light yellow when studying. It’s bright enough to let you work without disturbing your sleep. Avoid bright white lights at night. A good tip is to use smart lights that mimic the colors of the sun. In the evening and at night, dim the lights to the colors of the sunset.

Smart Home Safety and Security
Many students are living alone at college or university for the first time. Safety and access products help students be independent and safe. For example, smart locks are great for keyless entry. This is a great option for students with roommates. You’ll keep track of who’s coming in and out. There will be no more parties in the dorms when visiting parents on spring break. Students can monitor entrances and exits and even provide temporary access remotely.

In college, you can’t always choose your roommate. Indoor smart security cameras are a great tool to have when you’re in class to keep an eye on your stuff. Install one in your bedroom to calm your mind. If someone gets inside, you get a push notification on your smartphone and the video is recorded to the cloud. I recommend letting others know that your room is being monitored. This is a great deterrent to any nosy roommate.

smart gardening
Smart Gardening, Stress Relief, Healthy Eating
If I could go back to school, one of the things I would do is eat healthier food. With smart gardening, students can kill two birds with one stone. First, gardening can relieve stress and anxiety. Student life can be stressful, so gardening is a great way to keep your feet on the ground while studying at home. Second, smart gardening promotes healthy eating. There is nothing more rewarding than eating food that you grow yourself. This is a great reminder to eat healthy while at school. Plus, students can save money by growing their own food through the smart garden.

Smart Thermostats Save Money
Managing expenses as a student is difficult but necessary. One way students can reduce costs is by reducing their heating and cooling bills. Best of all, you don’t have to wear sweaters or jackets indoors to save money. Smart thermostats avoid unnecessary heating or cooling when students are not home.