Front door security for a smart home makeover

Every smart home starts at the front door. This is the entrance into our home. There’s a lot going on here, so this is a key area to monitor. If you’re looking for safety, security and peace of mind, improve your front door entry. Before we get into the tips and tricks for securing your front door, let’s look at why you need front door security.

Stop porch pirates from stealing online deliveries
We buy a lot of things online and have them shipped to our homes. An unfortunate consequence of online shopping is porch piracy. We often don’t know when the package will arrive. If we weren’t home, the package could be there for hours. That’s the opportunity the porch pirates are looking for. By taking the time to harden your front door, you can accomplish two things.

First, if someone steals your package, you have HD video and audio of the crime. The footage could be sent to police and shared online. There’s a good chance someone will recognize them and get caught. The second role of a front door security guard is to deter thieves. If they know they’re being recorded, they’re less likely to steal. We’ll discuss in detail how to use a front door security system to deter thieves.

monitor who comes and who goes
We all have time away from home. This could be for work, school or the annual family vacation. Often, we need someone to come to our home when we’re not there. It could be feeding the fish, watering the plants, or checking things out. A smart home front door offers several benefits. First, smart locks allow keyless entry into the home. This can be done remotely in real-time, or with ad-hoc access via a smartphone. A second benefit is having monitoring logs. You’ll know who’s coming in and out when. This is valuable information, especially if you have contractors or cleaners to help you with your work while you are away.

Many people rent out their homes short-term in order to earn extra money. I am a good example. I have an Airbnb suite at home with a separate entrance from the backyard. A combination of smart locks and smart security cameras lets me know when guests check in and out. Plus, guests love the keyless access to the suite.

smart doorbell
Set up a smart front door security
Now that we’ve discussed some of the reasons for front door security, let’s discuss setting one up from scratch. These are all things to consider to ensure you build a successful smart security for your front door entry.

Assess Wi-Fi Signal Strength at Your Front Door
Every home is different, especially when it comes to layout and Wi-Fi. Most people don’t realize the strength of the Wi-Fi signal in front of their home. This is important information to know, especially outside the front door. There are several ways to determine your Wi-Fi signal strength. One is to play a video at your front door. If you have strong signal strength, this should give you a good idea. Personally, I use a Wi-Fi signal strength app on my Android smartphone. I start next to my router and move outside my front door to determine digital signal strength.

If you find your front door Wi-Fi signal is poor, read this online buying guide. It will tell you what to do to eliminate dead spots.

Smart Doorbell Video
Determine your video recording preferences.
Once you have strong Wi-Fi, the next step is to determine how you want to record video. There are several ways to do this. The first is to use an outdoor security camera. This is a great option if you want to monitor multiple areas of your home. This is my job. I have cameras at every entrance to my home. One of them is installed at my front door, and the other monitors my driveway.

Another option is to use a smart doorbell. This is a great option for those who get a lot of stuff online. You’ll get a push notification that motion is detected, and you can see a live view of the delivery. Plus, the smart doorbell has two-way audio, so you can talk to the delivery guy in real time. The only caveat is that your doorbell needs power. My house is old and I don’t have one, so I opted for a wireless security camera.

Choosing a Smart Lock for Your Smart Home
If you want to take your front door security to the next level, consider upgrading to a smart lock. As mentioned, this provides keyless entry and a log of who came and went. Not only is this very convenient, but it provides an extra layer of security. For example, say you get a notification from your smart doorbell that a delivery is coming to your door. Tell your driver to let him know you are remotely opening the front door and let them put the package in. Out of sight, out of mind of any would-be porch pirates.