The Beginner’s Guide to Buying an Espresso Machine

Types of espresso machines
There are so many different types of coffee makers on the market, you can narrow down your options by asking yourself a few questions. The first and most important question is, how easy should your espresso machine be to use?

If you want to learn all about the ins and outs of making coffee, you might want to opt for a manual machine. Or, if you want a fully automated process, there are superauto espresso types that give you one-touch espresso making and clean up for you too. There are also options that give you the best of both worlds.

manual espresso machine
If you want to control everything from the grind of the coffee beans to the exact time the water sits on the grounds, you might want to opt for a manual espresso machine.

These machines have a lever that you pull down when you’re ready to make an espresso, and while they’re the best for coffee customization, creativity, and extra longevity, they’re also tricky to master. Manual espresso machines are often favored by professional baristas or those who have mastered automatic espresso machines.

semi-automatic espresso machine
If you want to add a little electricity to your coffee creations, you’ll want to check out a semi-automatic espresso machine. Semi-automatic espresso machines have electric pumps, so they are easier to use than manual espresso machines, but they still give you some control over your espresso.

Semi-automatic coffee makers, while much easier than manual operation, do have a learning curve. You can control the flow, tamp and pressure, so if you want an easier way to make espresso, consider a fully automatic espresso machine.

fully automatic espresso machine
When your goal is to create custom beverages with little to no learning curve, you’ll love a fully automatic espresso machine. This type of espresso machine fully automates how much water pushes your coffee. Because of this, they are very easy to use.

The only downside to a fully automatic espresso machine is that you may lose control of the coffee-making process. Because water pressure and flow are so important to making the perfect espresso, you have to rely on your machine to make the right shot every time.

Super Automatic Espresso Machine

Want to make the freshest coffee possible without worrying about settings or water temperature? The Super Auto Espresso Machine is a one-touch marvel where you add ground coffee, touch a button, and give you the perfect shot every time. Even better? These types of espresso machines have features like built-in burr grinders, quick programmable settings, and they grind, tamp, and brew in one fluid motion.

The Super Automatic Espresso Machine is perfect for those who drink a lot of espresso during the day and want to make sure their shot is perfect without extra effort.

What to Consider Before Buying an Espresso Machine
With an espresso machine, you can completely customize your coffee. If you prefer a stronger latte, you can quickly brew two shots of espresso instead of one. Because you can find a range of machines, from manual to fully automatic, you can adjust your coffee or let your machine do all the work. If you choose a model with a frothing function, you can also make hot milk drinks. Here are the top things to consider before buying an espresso machine.

  1. Budget
    Before you start shopping for an espresso machine, you want to think about how much you want to spend. There are many different types, and they come in different price points, and you’ll want to find the best balance between your budget and the features you want from your new machine. For example, a manual espresso machine is usually less expensive than a superautomatic espresso machine, but with a manual machine, you need to learn how to grind the coffee beans, ram the earth, and extract the right amount of water. Automatic coffee machines will cost more because the machine does everything for you, from grinding the beans, dosing and tamping the espresso, to pouring the coffee.

semi-automatic espresso machine

  1. Size and space
    Before choosing a coffee machine, you need to consider how much space you have on your countertop. Some espresso machines are larger than others, so if you have limited kitchen space, you’ll want to opt for a smaller, more compact machine, or a hybrid machine that can make both drip coffee and espresso coffee.