Protecting your family: wall-mounted TVs

When you’re installing a new TV on a wall or shelf, your first priority should be safety. TVs aren’t as heavy as they used to be, and while they are thin and light, they still need proper protection or they could fall. Not only can a falling TV damage or ruin the TV itself, but it can also injure innocent bystanders in the area. You can’t be too careful, especially if you have children. I put my TV on a stand and I mounted it on the wall, and in my opinion, wall mounting is the safest option when you have kids in the house.

Wall mounting your new TV is the safer option
New TVs are very different in size from the TVs of 20 years ago. Older TVs were designed to come in large boxes, some weighing 100 pounds or more. On the other hand, new TVs are much thinner. Most weigh only 25 to 60 pounds. The lighter design also means they have a higher center of gravity, which means they tip over easily.

According to Consumer Reports, 62 percent of fatal furniture tip-over accidents between 2018 and 2020 were caused by TV falls. This figure includes all age groups, but falling TVs are especially dangerous for children. You can turn around for a minute and they can pull it down over them before you turn around.

When my own kids were young, I had a couple near-misses, and once I was lucky enough to catch the edge of the TV and not wait for it to fall. My kids are older now, so I don’t worry about them tipping the TV over, but my cats do rub up against it and make it shake. I don’t want it smashing into anyone, including my pets, so I’m definitely an advocate of mounting a TV on the wall.

How to mount your new TV on the wall

Mounting your TV on the wall requires a few steps, and the first step is choosing a new TV mount. There are quite a few options out there and your choice will depend on how you want to use the TV while it is mounted on the wall.

Fixed or Low Profile Wall Mount
A fixed or low-profile wall mount is a type of mount that is designed to create a minimal or streamlined look for your TV. Once the TV is secured to the wall with a fixed mount, you can’t tilt or move the TV, making this type of fixed mount a great option if you want to display artwork on your TV when you’re not watching it.

Tilt Wall Mount
Tilting Wall Mount
When you choose a tilting wall mount you will be able to move around a little bit, but a tilting wall mount will only tilt vertically. This type of mount is a good choice if you need to put your TV on a very high wall out of reach of the kids, or because it is mounted on a fireplace. Tilt mounts also come in handy if your TV is mounted in the direct path of a window and you want to minimize glare.

Full Motion Wall Mount
A full motion wall mount is a great option if you want a wall mount that tilts and moves. You can swivel the TV or extend the screen so it’s closer to you, and this type of mount is the best option if you have different types of seating in your room. You’ll reach out and move the TV to the best position where everyone can see it.

Full Motion Wall Mount
Tips for a family-friendly wall mount
Securing heavy objects is part of keeping children safe, and TVs are definitely heavy. If you need a step-by-step guide to installing your TV, you can check out this article on wall mounting. When my kids were little, I also took some family-friendly steps that you may want to follow when you install your new TV.

Choose a kid-friendly location for your TV – Most brands will recommend that you mount your TV at eye level, but when you have young children in the house, you may want to mount your TV higher up on the wall. With a full motion base, you can easily move the TV to keep your child safe.
Secure other equipment – Home theater receivers and bar speakers can be quite heavy. If you have such devices attached to your TV, you’ll want to secure them firmly or close them behind cabinet doors.
Stow your cords and cables – Cords are a safety hazard because you can trip over them, but you also don’t want your kids pulling cords out of the TV or pulling down any TV accessories. Keep cords and cables out of reach and safely tucked away, or cover them with a cable protector to prevent them from being pulled.
Installing a new TV is the safest option for the whole family
When you have children in your home, the safest way to protect them and your TV is to hang it on the wall. By hanging your TV securely on the wall, you won’t be stressed out when your kids are watching cartoons while you’re cooking dinner. You’ll know that your TV is securely fastened to the wall so it will never fall off. You can find a wide variety of wall mounted TVs at Best Buy.